Next Network Generation- 5G

5G technology is anticipated to change the future of technology. It is a fifth generation of data network, Which comes after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. This technology is mean to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users.

5G data network became available for the first time in 2019 but a that time they were mostly expensive and limited to functioning in c.onfined areas or major cities but now in 2020 is likely to be the year when 5G really starts to fly, with more affordable data plans and great improved coverage.

Specifications of 5G

  • 1000x bandwidth per unit area
  • downloading speed is 1 - 3 gigabits per second (Gbps).
  • High-band 5G uses frequencies of 25 - 39 GHz
  • 100% coverage
  • 90% reduction in network energy usage

Who invented 5G?

5G is not own by any company or a person, their are several companies within the mobile ecosystem that are contributing to bring 5G in life. Among all the compaines,Qualcomm has played a major role in inventing the many foundational technologies that drive the industry forward and make up 5G, the next wireless standard.

Where was 5G first introduced?

On April 3, 2019, 5G mobile service was introduce in parts of Chicago and Minneapolis. Customers in those cities were the first in the world to have a 5G-enabled smartphone connected to a 5G network.

How Fast is 5G?

5G is designed to deliver peak data rates up to 20 Gbps based on IMT-2020 requirements. Qualcomm Technologies’ flagship 5G solutions, the Qualcomm Snapdragon X55 and Snapdragon X60 Modem-RF Systems, are designed to achieve up to 7.5 Gbps in downlink peak data rates.
In addition to higher peak data rates, 5G is designed to provide much more network capacity by expanding into new spectrum, such as mmWave.

Difference between all the Network Generations?

1G- First Generation

This is the first Generation of Cell Phone technology. It was introduced in 1987 by Telecom (known today as Telstra), Australia received its first cellular mobile phone network utilising a 1G analog system. 1G is an analog technology and the phones generally had poor battery life and voice quality was large without much security, and would sometimes experience dropped calls .The maximum speed of 1G is 2.4 Kbps

2G- Second Generation

Cell phones received their first major upgrade when they went from 1G to 2G. It was launched on 1991 by Radiolinja (now part of Elisa Oyj). Major difference between 1G and 2G is that the radio signals used by 1G network are analog, while 2G networks are digital and the main motive behind this generation was to provide secure and reliable communication channel.

3G- Third Generation

This generation set the standards for most of the wireless technology.It was launched on 2001 and the main motive behind this generation was to provide mobile communication were to facilitate greater voice and data capacity, support a wider range of applications, and increase data transmission at a lower cost . Web browsing, email, video downloading, picture sharing and other Smartphone
technology were introduced in the third generation.It also provide Multimedia services support along with streaming which are more popular.

4G-Fourth Generation

4G was launched on 2 November 2012. It is a very different technology as compared to 3G and was made possible practically only because of the advancements in the technology in the last 10 years. The purpose is intended to provide high speed, high capacity, low cost per bit and IP based services.

5G-Fifth Generation

5G was launched on April 2019. It provides faster data rates, higher connection density, much lower latency, among other improvements. Some of the plans for 5G include device-to-device communication, better battery consumption, and improved overall wireless coverage. The max speed of 5G is aimed at being as fast as 35.46 Gbps.